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    The Global Exhibition on Services (GES 2019) was held this year on November 26-28 in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. It was attended by the Director General of PJSC “Titanium institute” Viktor Brener and First Deputy Director General Ievgenii Storchak.
    The managers of PJSC “Titanium institute” presented a range of technologies and services offered by our company to potential customers and held a number of meetings to expand the scope of the enterprise. In particular, they discussed the prospects of cooperation in the development and implementation of the innovative technology developed by PJSC “Titanium institute”for producing HDH titanium alloy powders from doped titanium sponge suitable for use in 3-D printing.
    Participation in an international exhibition of this scale, in addition to advertising the capabilities of PJSC “Titanium institute”, helps to establish direct business contacts, mutually beneficial cooperative ties, and provides up-to-date information regarding the situation on the markets of the Republic of India and countries of the Southeast Asia region that the company is interested in.