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    Ovchinnikov Alexander Vladimirovich
    Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy General Director for NIITitan JOINT STOCK COMPANY «TITANIUMINSTITUTE » (JSC «TITANIUMINSTITUTE »)
    Education and qualifications: Zaporozhye State Technical University, 1994-1999, specialty «Welding technology and equipment», AR No. 11581438.
    Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty «Materials Science», diploma number DD No. 002562. Professor of the Department of Mechanics, 04.28.2015, certificate series 12PR, No. 010362.

    Scientific interests:
    In 2021, under the leadership of A.V. Ovchinnikov founded the scientific school «Titanium and zirconium: metallurgy and mechanical engineering». Under the leadership of A.V. Ovchinnikov are protected:
     6 dissertations for the degree of candidate of technical sciences
    • Skrabtsov A.A. (2Improving the mechanical and performance properties of sintered titanium alloys», 2015, Materials Science)
    • Mitina T.A. («Increasing the mechanical properties of submicrocrystalline titanium alloys during deformation and mechanical processing», 2012, Materials Science)
    • Seliverstov O.G. («Improving the properties of welded joints of rotor parts of gas turbine engines made of titanium alloy VT8», 2016, Materials Science)
    • Davydov S.I. («Improving the technology for producing titanium with a given oxygen content», 2010, Metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous metals)
    • Yanko T.B. («Development of technology for complex alloying of titanium and zirconium in the process of magnesium-thermal reduction», 2016, Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals)
    • Kapustyan O.E. («Increasing the mechanical and service properties of welded joints of sintered structural titanium», 2019, Materials Science)
     1 dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy:
    • Efanov V.S. («Improving the technology for manufacturing cast cathodes from a nickel alloy for applying heat-resistant coatings to aircraft engine blades», 2021, Metallurgy)
     1 dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences:
    • Pavlenko D.V. («Development of scientific foundations and improvement of processes for manufacturing parts from powder materials for gas turbine engines using severe plastic deformation», 2021, Forming Processes and Machines).

    Currently, he is leading the preparation for the defense of 3 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations.

    Main directions of scientific activity:
    technology for the production of spherical and non-spherical powders of titanium, zirconium, nickel and other alloys for 3D printers;
    development of import-substituting technology for producing gas turbine engine blades for unmanned vehicles;
    production of new generations of aviation heat-resistant intermetallic alloys in the conditions of Ukraine;
    implementation of the production of medical implants from Ti and Zr using 3D printing technology.

    Awards, distinctions: is the deputy chairman of the «Mechanical Engineering2 section of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a member of the current Technical Commission for Standardization of the State Consumer Standard of Ukraine, an active expert of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, a member of the editorial boards of two specialized scientific journals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a member specialized scientific council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialty «Materials Science».
    Publications: There are more than 200 scientific papers, patents and copyright certificates in the field of production and use of titanium.

    Profiles in sciences metric databases:

    Scope of scientific and technical activities of NIITitan includes:

    • Carrying out the scientific research and experimental work;
    • Development and introduction of the new and upgrade of the existing production processes and equipment for non-ferrous industry;
    • Improvement of technical level of non-ferrous metallurgy production facilities;
    • Ensuring the improvement of non-ferrous winning and multipurpose utilization of raw materials together with disinfection, processing and utilization of production waste, development and introduction of non-waste and zero-discharge production processes and environment protection activities;
    • Development and introduction of new materials and energy-saving production processes;
    • Determination of the most efficient scopes of application of non-ferrous metals, primarily, titanium and magnesium, study and improvement of consumption patterns for these materials;
    • Elaboration of state programs and concepts for creation, development and reforming of non-ferrous industry in Ukraine.

    NIITitan includes:

    • Laboratory of Electrothermy and Industrial Ecology (No. 1)
    • Laboratory of Chlorine Processes (No. 2);
    • Laboratory of Metallothermy and Powder Metallurgy (No. 3);
    • Laboratory of Electrochemical Production Facilities (No. 6);
    • Laboratory of Process Gases Purification (No. 20).

    In recent years the following developments have been made in the field of non-ferrous metallurgy:

    • Lithium – technology for lithium and lithium salts winning for the raw material from Polokhovskoe deposit producing commercially pure lithium carbonate, which enjoys high demand on world markets;
    • Titanium dioxide – technology for enrichment of ilmenite concentrate with reduction of chrome oxides content in them; technology for titanium slag smelting from the chromeless concentrate with following processing into pigment titanium dioxide by sulphate method;
    • Features of production technology of pigment titanium dioxide by chloride method using domestic raw materials for production of high quality pigments;
    • Silicon – technology for chlorination of silicon-containing raw materials and hydration of the produced silicon tetrachloride;
    • Manganese – technology for production of electrolytic manganese from manganese sulphate solutions after purification;
    • Gallium – technology for production of gallium from alumina production mother solutions;


    • Zinc – pyrometallurgical technology for production of zinc-containing clinker for further hydrometallurgical processing producing crude zinc
    • Ferroalloys – testing of various raw materials for production of concentrates for ferroalloys production; ferrotitanium production technology; metallurgical testing of titanium-magnetite concentrates from Fedorovskoe deposit with for ferrovanadium production purpose;;
    • Titanium powders, powders of other metals, powder articles – technology for production of titanium powders and powders of other metals; technology for manufacturing of titanium powder porous sintered articles in the shape of disks;
    • Bushings, cups, Raschig rings and other equipment elements for application in chemical, textile, metallurgical and other industries for performing work in aggressive media as filtering elements; technology for production of titanium hydride from titanium powders;
    • Titanium – full range of works, starting from titanium slag production up to waste processing and utilization;
    • Technology for titanium slag production in ore-smelting furnaces, technology of titanium slag chlorination producing crude titanium tetrachloride;
    • Technology for deep purification of titanium tetrachloride; technology and equipment for magnesium reduction of titanium tetrachloride;
    • Technology for reacting mass vacuum s; technology and equipment for titanium sponge blocks processing and forming of titanium sponge commercial lots;

    • Magnesium – technology for granulated magnesium production for cast iron desulphurization; technology and equipment for magnesium production in the diaphragmless cell; continuous magnesium refining furnace; range of research and testing of domestic bischofite deposits for the purpose of supplying Ukrainian industry with domestic magnesium-containing raw materials;
    • Zirconium – technology for zirconium sponge production by magnesium-thermic method, tested on pilot production units, technology of Ti-Zr masteralloys production by magnesium-thermic method; technology for electrolytic production of titanium sponge alloyed by zirconium;
    • Aluminum – technology for production of alumosilicic alloys; technology for bauxites dry preparation;
    • Vanadium – three variants of technology for vanadium recovery from chloride waste and organization of vanadium pentoxide production;
    • Scandium – technology for chloride waste processing for scandium recovery;
    • Niobium – technology for waste processing for tantalum and niobium concentrate recovery with total tantalum and niobium pentoxides content no less than 60 %; technology for metallothermic niobium production;
    • Germanium – range of research on germanium recovery from various types of germanium-containing waste, including tar-waters of coking plants.